Registration Records

Submitted onFirst NameLast NameBirthdayAge of ParticipantGenderPhone NumberParticipant’s SchoolParticipant’s ClassTech Skill ChoiceVocational SkillT-shirt SizeDoes participant have any dietary restrictions?If yes, please state the allergies and specific instructions on what to do incase of any allergic reactionDoes the participant have any health challenges we should be aware of?Is the participant currently on any medication?Name of Parent/Guardian (1)Name of Parent/Guardian (2)Parent/Guardian’s Email(s)Phone number of Parent/Guardian (1)Phone number of Parent/Guardian (2)Whatsapp numberEmergency Contact NumberPayment Option
Submitted onFirst NameLast NameBirthdayAge of ParticipantGenderPhone NumberParticipant’s SchoolParticipant’s ClassTech Skill ChoiceVocational SkillT-shirt SizeDoes participant have any dietary restrictions?If yes, please state the allergies and specific instructions on what to do incase of any allergic reactionDoes the participant have any health challenges we should be aware of?Is the participant currently on any medication?Name of Parent/Guardian (1)Name of Parent/Guardian (2)Parent/Guardian’s Email(s)Phone number of Parent/Guardian (1)Phone number of Parent/Guardian (2)Whatsapp numberEmergency Contact NumberPayment Option

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